Lithuanian government trusts Russia didn`t plan provocation
Lithuania will give the wreckage of the Russian plane SU-27.
This information was given by the chief of the Air Forces of Russia Vladimir Mihalkov.
He pointed out that Lithuanian government understands that the plane crash was the fault of Russian pilot but not the planned terrorist attack.
October 7 Lithuanian government let go the Russian pilot Valerii Troyanov. He was conveyed to Kaliningrad region by the members of Ministry of Defense.
In the morning on Friday Troyanov with his wife flew to Leningrad region, where the pilot will undergo the course of medical treatment.
As for Troyanov, he hopes that he can continue his summer career and flies on pursuit plane.
Lithuanian commission of investigation of the accident made all conclusions on October 5. The representatives of the commission declared that during the investigation they didn?t find any evidences proving that Russia held provocation towards Lithuania.